Water sharing between Central Asian countries has been conflicting for quite a long time already.
Christian Siderius

Ir. Christian Siderius is researcher at Alterra specialized in systems analysis and modelling of water quality and quantity of river basins at various scales. He has gained international experience in the EU-funded Euroharp project focusing on the pathways of nutrients in medium scaled river basins like the transboundary Vecht River basin in Germany and the Netherlands and the Ouse River in England. In the EU-funded Newater project he was responsible for the assessment of changes in water quality and water quantity under climate change in large river basins like the Amudarya and the Nile. Within the “Promoting the river basin and ecosystem approach project for sustainable management of South-East Asian lowland peatswamp forests” he analysed the impact of different land uses on peat subsidence in a catchment in central Sumatra. Currently he is mainly involved in several projects in India focussing on water management in general and adaptation to climate change in specific. Next to the more technical processes and dynamics at catchment scale, the integration of people’s choices and strategies in land use and water allocation and the use of scenarios in integrated water resources management has his special attention.