No more planned power blackouts in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan has seen the last of this winter’s planned power blackouts, the chief of one of the country’s largest electricity companies said on Friday.“If all the equipment at the Toktogul hydroelectric plant works, we do not expect power constraints,” a top-level official of the national power grid of Kyrgyzstan told the news agency.
Power officials were forced to cut electricity due to much-needed repairs at the country’s massive Toktogul hydropower plant.Technicians powered off the fourth generating unit of Toktogul HPP after power pressure in the unit’s turbine increased beyond the normal limits. The accident occurred on December 27.
Rolling blackouts throughout the country were imposed, though the capital city Bishkek was exempt due to the extensive power outages the city has had to endure in recent weeks, largely caused by a dispute over energy supplies between Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan. Blackouts were promised to last no longer than two hours.
Toktogul is located on the Naryn River in Jalalabad province in the south of the country.