Water sharing between Central Asian countries has been conflicting for quite a long time already.
Transboundary Water Resources in the Former Soviet Union: Between Conflict and Cooperation
Vinogradov, S.
Publication Date:
The demise o f the Soviet Union created new international boundaries and, as a result, a host of legal problems related to the management and utilization of natural resources divided by these boundaries. This article surveys the most important transboundary water systems, shared by the former Soviet republics, and examines an emerging legal framework for cooperation. Although the current approach to the use of transboundary water resources is still influenced by the practices established in the former Soviet Union, there is a tendency towards greater reliance upon international law in addressing water-related issues of common concern.
Does cooperation on water resources exist in the Amu Darya Basin?
85% (11 votes)
15% (2 votes)
Total votes: 13