Water sharing between Central Asian countries has been conflicting for quite a long time already.
Jusipbek Kazbekov
Jusipbek Kazbekov has more than 15 years of academic, research and development experience in water management. He graduated the Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration (TIIM) in 1995. In 1998, he obtained the governmental scholarship by the “UMID Fund”, the Presidential Scholarship Program of Uzbekistan for Talented Youth to Study Abroad for the “Environment and Water Resources Management” program. In 2001, he completed the MSc at the Colorado State University on Watershed Science, defended the dissertation named “Tamarack Recharge Project Chemistry and Hydrogeology on the South Platte River, Colorado”, where he used GIS methods to model the groundwater flow. In 2004, he received Presidential Award for Outstanding PhD Students by the Science and Technology Center of the Cabinet of Ministries of Uzbekistan. In 2005, he defended the Ph.D. (Candidate of Science) Dissertation on Prediction of Groundwater Pollution in Hydraulic Relation to Surface Water (Chirchik River Valley) at the TIIM. Since June 2005 he joined IWMI, and mainly involved in the IWRM Ferghana and WPI projects.