Mohammad Hassan Hamid

Mohammad Hassan Hamid
Professor / Member
Kabul Polytechnic University / National Hydrological Committee of Afghanistan
Thematic expertise: 
Water Resources Management
water supply
environmental engineering and Renewable Energy sectors
Geographical expertise: 

Amu Darya is a transboundary river between Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. At present, Afghanistan is not involved in such activities regarding the Amu Darya. As a Water Expert, I have a lot of interest to take active part in projects and activities related to the Amu Darya through the Amu Darya Basin Network in EWI in Brussels and the CAWa project in Central Asian Republics, and other related initiatives. I hope I can do some positive movement in this network. I am a professor in Kabul Polytechnic University and a Hydraulic structures expert with more than 35 years experiences in various sectors of  Civil Engineering and Water Resources/Watershed fields such as rehabilitation of traditional irrigation schemes/irrigation water management, hydropower, renewable energy,  school, roads and clinics constructions, climate change and water supply - sanitary engineering, hydrology , ground water engineering, micro-irrigation and design of  different types of hydraulic structures, environment engineering; community based different water projects  activities in 33 provinces of Afghanistan.