Paul Smith

Natural Resource Management Consultant
United Kingdom
Centre for Advanced Research in International Agricultural Research, Bangor University
Thematic expertise: 
IWRM; Introducing Agricultural Innovations; Water and Energy nexus; Capacity development; Adaptation to Climate Change; Rural Development; Environmental cons
Geographical expertise: 
Afghanistan; India; South Sudan; Kenya; Uganda

From 2006 to 2008 (and 4 months in 2009), Paul Smith managed the Catchment Development Project, a sub-project of KRBP implemented by Mercy Corps. Since then he has undertaken several evaluation missions for various organisations in the Amu River Basin including the MTE of ARBP itself, upper catchment projects implemented by Concern and Afghanaid and a social water management project implemented by Concern. Paul has written a guide to NRM in Afghanistan and is interested in keeping up to date with developments in the Amu Darya and undertaking consultancy assignments in watershed management and general rural development in the area.