Water sharing between Central Asian countries has been conflicting for quite a long time already.
Turkmenistan’s electricity exports to Afghanistan and Iran increase
Export of Turkmen electricity to Afghanistan and Iran based on the results of 2012 is estimated at 2713.3 million kW/h, exceeding last year's figure by 7.5 per cent, Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper reported on Wednesday.
'It is expected that production of electricity will reach 19,189 kW/h and compared to 2011, the growth rate is 105 per cent', the article says.
Currently, the installed capacity of all power plants within the Turkmen energy system is 4104 MW, including 1643 MW, or 40 per cent, produced by modern gas turbine generators.
Further increases in the generating capacity of the country will be possible not only due to construction of new gas turbines, but also based on the upgrading of the existing steam turbines, thereby greatly enhancing their effectiveness.
January 1, 2013 marked the 20th anniversary since Turkmens began enjoying free natural gas, water and electricity.
In 2012, the population of Turkmenistan was provided 2187.979 million free kilowatt-hours of electricity which is 11.4 per cent of its total output. Compared with 2011, the growth rate in this sector amounted to 101.6 per cent, the newspaper reported.
In line with its industry development strategy, the level of power in Turkmenistan is expected to reach 35.5 billion kilowatt/hour by 2030. Building of three gas turbine combined cycle power plants with a total capacity of 1122 MW is scheduled during this period for achieving the abovementioned goal. Building of high voltage power lines (PTL) and substations which will reduce electricity losses during transportation will also be continued.
In future the energy system will be fully looped with 500 kV high voltage overhead lines and the construction of a 500 kV Balkanabat-Ashgabat-Mary overhead power line that will allow the mutual backup of eastern and western parts of Turkmenistan, is to be completed by 2020.