Water sharing between Central Asian countries has been conflicting for quite a long time already.
Turkmenistan increases liquefied gas exports
Turkmenistan is going to increase export of liquefied natural gas in 2013, the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources announced.
"A powerful gas production complex functioning in Naip and Bagaja (east of the country) entered into the new year with confidence. Production continues round-the-clock, the pace of the works is increasing," the announcement says
Introduction of advanced equipment and high technologies promotes high production. Last year the complex produced 144,000 tons of liquefied natural gas and a large amount of gas condensate.
The State Service of Maritime and River Transport of Turkmenistan is considering transportation of liquefied gas in special containers to Azerbaijan (Baku port), then to the ports of Batumi and Poti (Georgia, the Black Sea region) by railway.
Then, from the ports of Georgia containers can be delivered by ship to Romania. The negotiations with Bucharest are already underway.
Moreover, Turkmenistan expressed at the high level its interest in AGRI (Azerbaijan-Georgia-Romania Interconnector) gas pipeline project, also stipulating deliveries of the Caspian gas to Romania via Black Sea coast of Georgia.